Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Dehydration And Disease Progression

Scientists define dehydration as fluid loss greater than one percent of body weight, but it is important to emphasize that the dehydration, but water and lose some body salts, such as potassium and sodium.
Dehydration can be a serious setback when 9-12 percent of body weight lost through water.
It has been scientifically proven that adequate hydration can have a beneficial effect on the prevention of stones in the urinary tract, constipation, asthma caused by exercise and dehydration in infants, hyperglycemia, diabetic, urinary tract infections, hypertension, coronary heart disease, venous thromboembolism and stroke and disorders respiratory system.

How much do you need water?

Body's water needs depend on several factors: temperature, level of activity, functional loss, metabolic needs and ages. Temperature increase environmental body loses water in order to maintain body temperature, and is then required increased water intake.

Physical work or strong physical activity increases the body's need for water. Each disease process affects the normal function of the body and affects the body's needs for water. For example; Gastro inestinalni problems that prolonged diarrhea which is caused by loss of large amounts of water. In such cases, compensation for lost water is of great importance in the prevention of dehydration.

Age also plays an important role in determining the body's need for water. For example, the infant should be 1,500 ml of water a day, while adult’s water intake should be between 2:03 liters a day. Generally it is recommended that adults should drink eight glasses of water a day. Another approach to calculating daily water demand is the caloric intake, and the rule states that for every 1000 kcal entered requires about 1000 ml of water.

Article Source By Grow Taller 4 Idiots Review  ==>

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